Sunday, June 24, 2012

Desert Downpour

It's a torrential downpour right now! I thought the rainy-season here was kind of a joke... I was mistaken!

So, anyway, that means I have time to write another post, and this time share some pics!

Today, I got to go to church at the orphanage and be a part of the worship service. A local pastor came to preach, and they had worship as well. I think what strikes me about this place is much like something that strikes me about New Life OSU-- the community is beautiful. It's a family. When I'm here, I'm here to visit family. As a 'lone outsider' I am being brought into the family here. Gracias!

After church, the workers celebrated Father's day with burgers and fries :), then I got to just hang out with the kids for the afternoon. As of now-- I don't have an official 'job' here that starts tomorrow, and I'm pretty excited to just be here to serve and to be used!

Here are some pics from today--this is what happens when the kids get ahold of my camera:
action shot :)

Someone's thumb got in the way...and cut off my forehead--but here's proof that I'm really here!

Lupita, mi amigita :)

the dormitorio--view from the bench.

jumping rope is the favorite of the day--besides marbles!

The man himself--Jose!


Buddies--Jose & Sofia :)

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